Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12, 2011

My 365...

Yesterday was an amazing day.  The weather was perfect, the boys enjoyed their father's company, and I got some much needed exercise and fresh air.  Boise is such a beautiful city!  Today my body is angry with me, and being very rude, but I don't was worth it.  Damn this dreaded disease of mine.  My mind is always willing...if I could just get the rest of me to cooperate, life would be grand!  We did a lot of walking, a lot of hiking, a lot up and down and around looking for just the perfect fishing spot.  Would I do it again tomorrow?  Hello no!  LOL, the day after maybe?  Absolutely!  (Just need a little in between recovery time.)  A shot of Enbrel should fix me right up! 

I did make an interesting observation yesterday.  Jack, bless his heart, really does not know how to relax.  He is a very "type A" personality, the kind of person who always "sweats the little things."  I have always known this about the man.  I should after being together almost 27 years, but yesterday he tried.  I had to make an extra effort to be on top of everything so that if something went wrong by Jack's standards, I could rush in and make light of the situation.  He would observe my take on things and back peddle a bit and let out a much needed exhale.    

Jack and I are complete opposites.  I am the turtle to his Jack rabbit.  Nothing bothers me, I never sweat the little things, and I have become more patient and laid back with age.  Jack on the other hand is going to be the epitome of the grumpy old man.  His grand children can call him "gumpy", just like my children called my very "type A" father gumpy.  

But somehow, it works.  Blake and Casey have learned to pretty much roll their eyes at daddy when he short circuits, and I am so thankful for that.  I would never want them to feel that it is anyway their fault for daddy's little volcano eruptions.  It can be exhausting rushing in and putting band aids on hurt feelings, but yesterday seeing Jack "try" to relax was definitely a step in the right direction.

I will say this, he is one lucky man to have the boys still love him after all the stress he seems to cause them.  Thankfully the boys are pretty much "type B" like mama.  Very laid back and easy going.  Garrett never gets upset about anything.  Life is always good...even when it is bad...and he could not hurt a flea.  Brandon is fun loving and even tempered.  From what I have seen of his interaction with his own son, he is also an amazing father!  Casey, despite his emotional condition, is patient and understanding with Jack, and extremely forgiving and protective of his father.  Blake is very sensitive, and not quite as patient with Jack as Casey is, but he will also tell his daddy to take a long walk off a short pier if he starts to get too uptight for Blake's liking.  Then mommy swoops in with extra hugs and kisses to make it all better.

It is crazy dynamics, but I have to accept that it is what it is.  Jack can't help the person he is.  His upbringing was very different than mine.  Losing both of his parents at a very young and tender age definitely took its toll on Jack, but that is not his fault.  And I can make it work.  I just need a little confirmation from Jack from time to time that he is trying.  And I am confident that he is.  And there is no question that he loves his children.  He is just not quite sure how to handle them sometimes.  And that is okay.  As parents we all have those moments, and we learn from our children.  Take their cue and follow "their" lead.  :)

My photo of the day...

I found this delicate little flower, all alone among the weeds in the yard.  As usual, I have no idea what it is, but it is saying to me...hang in there mama!  Life can be a dark deserted corner full of brambles and weeds, but it is still possible to thrive and shine and look fabulous!  So thank you little flower.  :)  She is stunning isn't she?

** Doggy Daily for June 12, 2011 **

"What have we here?  Oh, a patch of really smelly grass..."
 "Time to get me some delightful "Eau de Miss Lilly Parfume!"

 Then she rolls and rolls and rolls in the stinky patch of grass until she smells stinky herself!

Blake to the rescue...
...bath time for Miss Lilly.  Although looking at this picture I am wondering who got the bath?  lol

All fresh and clean now.  :)

Wait...what is this?  Not even 30 minutes later...
"Don't even think about it Miss Lilly!!"


Music I am listening to today...James Blunt.

Until next time..."To be who you are, and become what you are capable of being, is the only goal worth living for."

Have a great Monday world.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Love,


Welcome to Mommy plus Five

I am a work from home mom of five amazing children, and five beautiful grandchildren. Enjoying my 50's and all that life has to offer.

Time to start a new 365.

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